CIAK Related News
Informational (Promotional) Event within the framework of the CIAK project (7/12/2020, 17:00 CET, online)
Posted: 04-12-2020 20:05 | Views: 3655
On Monday, December 7th, 2020, at 17:00 CET, an Informational Event (Promotional Event) will be held within the framework of the CIAK project ("Common Initiatives to AcKnowledge and valorize tourism potential of the programme area through cinema"). This informational event, which will take place online, will host a detailed presentation of the already completed actions within the framework of the project.
Animation Festival ICONA 2020: Schedule and Live Screenings
Posted: 03-12-2020 19:21 | Views: 7405
The screenings of the festival, which will take place exclusively online, from December the 4th until December the 6th, 2020, will be available worldwide only for registered users with password. * Please note that the screenings schedule has been announced in Central European Time (CET), that is GMT+1 zone.
Like for the finalist Interreg Greece-Italy project CIAK in the Slam Video Competition 2020
Posted: 29-09-2020 13:01 | Views: 1606
Interreg Greece-Italy project CIAK -in which the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University is a main partner and contributor- is finalist in the Slam Video Competition 2020. Please help to get “likes” to the video and win the social media award.
Press release: CIAK Screenwriting Workshop Week III (Corfu), 26/11-1/12/2019
Posted: 04-12-2019 11:39 | Views: 2096
The Ionian University, Project Partner of CIAK Project, organized the third and last weekly part of the Screenwriting Workshop in Corfu, Greece on November 26 – December 1, 2019 at the Audiovisual Arts department premises. During the three weekly workshop sessions (hosted in Ioannina, Bari and Corfu respectively), 15 ascendant cinema screenwriters from all over the world attended intensive courses and gained personal supervision towards the development of their personal scenario.
Animation Festival ICONA [Corfu, 29/11-1/12/2019]
Posted: 28-11-2019 18:14 | Views: 17834
The first Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2019, organized by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University (within the framework of the CIAK Intereg program) will take place in Corfu from the 29th of November until the 1st of December 2019.
Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2019. Call for Volunteers
Posted: 15-11-2019 16:55 | Updated: 20-11-2019 16:06 | Views: 2461
The organizing committee of the Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2019 would like to call on all students who so wish to take part in the Festival’s team of volunteers and support the organization, thanks to their own special knowledge and skills. Closing date for applications: November 24th, 2019.
First Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2019 - Great participation of submissions
Posted: 08-11-2019 18:12 | Views: 2848
The first Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2019, organized by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University (within the framework of the CIAK Intereg program), had a great participation with almost 1.000 submission of movies.
2nd Week of CIAK Screenwriting Workshop in Bari, 9 - 15 October, 2019
Posted: 07-10-2019 15:58 | Views: 2140
Apulia Film Commission will organize the second weekly part of the Screenwriting Workshop “Greece-Puglia Experience”, one of the activities of the project CIAK, from 9 to 15 October 2019 at Bari Cineporto.
Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2019
Posted: 20-09-2019 18:23 | Updated: 23-10-2019 19:40 | Views: 11773
The aim of the first Ionian Contemporary Animation Festival ICONA 2019, which is organized by the Department of Audio and Visual Arts of the Ionian University (within the framework of the CIAK Intereg program) is to present the best from the field of animation from all around the world. The festival also aims to preserve and help develop the cultural heritage of short animated film, contribute to creation of new films, provide ground for potential international co-productions and encourage dialogue between professionals, filmmakers and the public.
CIAK project: Information Day (InfoDay) [Tuesday, 4 June 2019, 2019, 12:00]
Posted: 29-05-2019 11:29 | Views: 2389
The Region of Ionian Islands, Project Partner of CIAK Project (“Common Initiatives to AcKnowledge and valorize tourism potential of the programme area through cinema”), will organize an Info Day in Corfu on Tuesday 4 June 2019, at 12:00 at the Boardroom of Region of Corfu (Sp. Samara 13, Corfu), in order to present the Project, its future activities and the next steps for its smooth implementation.
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